Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Sunshine and Happiness

It's a great day. It may be cold and gloomy out to some but I see sunshine and blue skies! I had a great weekend!

What did I do you ask that made it so great? I have to admit that I didn't do anything special. I like to rest and rest I is what I did. I moved to the drum of my own beat this weekend. I ran my errands of course but I returned to the house early as though I never left. I lay around and watched DVDs all weekend. I don't go to the movies often so catching up on movies is a weekend past time of mine.

Winter is when lionesses like myself hibernate with our young. *smile* I even attempted to write on this blog once or twice, but I failed at that miserably. The text is still in draft. I was going to honor the Rev Dr MLK because it was the appropriate thing to do and I always acknowledge it with something enlightening. Then, I decided to get a snack and never returned to the computer. So much for enlightening MLK messages. I guess sitting in front of a computer on the weekend didn't appeal to me. I'll try again next weekend.

I had my mani and pedi done. The woman did a nice job but the polish ended up getting a smudge on one toe anyway. Don't you hate that? aaargh....I should have asked her to do the whole thing over but whatever, I'm the only one that will see them until summertime. My friend told me I might have a foot fetish because I hate feet so much. Eeew I doubt it.

I had my "three-month probationary review" today. It's just a one-sheet piece of paper that is ticked off by your one-up manager. What else could he say besides "she's the greatest"? He doesn't sit near me at all and he doesn't ask me to do anything for him. At best he may ask me to book travel and minor expenses, but nothing major. Remember I work for three execs and two analysts. Well one analyst now one dude just walked out one day and never returned. He did send an email a day later saying "this position wasn't a good fit for him". I knew he was up to something things were different on his desk and he was a bit different. I think this other Analyst is going to leave as well. A matter of time, he is probably in the middle of his interview process. *smile* I'll keep you posted.

I was supposed to go have a night on the town this weekend also, but that didn't happen either night. Oh wait, I did go out on Friday. I have to remind myself not to go out with that friend again. Why? I think I've graduated from that level of crazy, and so it's time to move forward. We went for drinks the drinks were average. I felt like I should have stayed home. I should have followed my first thought and that was to decline the invitation. Silly me. I could have had a better drink at home and listened to some good music while dancing in the mirror. hahaha Oh please I can let my hair down and be as goofy with the rest of em!

Sunday was great because I woke up with words at the tip of my tongue. I wrote more then I had in a long while. I was flowing so much I think my thoughts began to overlap. The phone was a minor distraction for a moment but I knew I had to press the pen to the paper and get my own thoughts out before my flow was interrupted in a major way. Needless to say I after awhile I couldn’t flow any longer, but it was cool. I meditated and took a nice refreshing nap. Everyday, when I arrive home I’ve been able to write like I use to in the past. Well, actually my flow is a little better then in the past. I’m in a wonderful place right now and I plan on staying for a minute to fan myself, pat my back a little and marinate in the good stuff. I’ll move on to an even grandeur place soon so “watch out now”! smile

I just heard from my friend overseas. I was a little concerned about her because she is a flight attendant and there was a crash on a competitor airline. I knew she was safe but there was something tugging at me prompting me to connect with her sooner then later. I emailed her and of course there is a bit of drama going on with her job. I hope everything works out for her because what happened sounds really childish. It just shows that people are people and drama is everywhere even across the seas. She has to go to the corporate offices so I’ll tell you the details and the outcome when everything is over.

The search is still on for a new place to call home. I think I might have to enlist the help of a broker or realtor. So many scams out there you have to be careful!

This is a three-day work week for me. I am off on Thursday, is there any more joy then to be off when everyone else is at work? NO!

I don't have my dictionary word today. I wasn't sure what I wanted to highlight in this blog. What emotion, what feeling. I guess it's the obvious....


1. state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy
2. emotions experienced when in a state of well-being

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