Friday, April 4, 2008

TGIF- Random

I can't wait to exit the building! I have sat here at the J.O.B. (just over broke) all day long and have done minimal work. Anyway, I'm thankful to have a job and getting the big bucks for it too! I'm thankful for my apartment and all the amenities that are in the apartment also.

I love living high in the sky. I can see the Empire State, Verrazano Bridge and some other eye catching spots from my balcony. Yup I live high in the pie in the sky....I stand out there sometime and say YES the world is my oyster. Living that high up you kind of get this feeling of empowerment that unless you are standing out there you just won't get that loving

It's time for eighth grade prom and I am knee deep in dress hunting woes for my soon to be graduate! My daughter went from casual sneaker loving girl to slinky sex kitten wannabe over night! I had to put that mess in check by making her aware that she is not a high school grad and even then it isn't appropriate but that's what the girls wear. At this point I have control because she is just in 8th grade so there will be no sex kitten dress however there will be poof and lace. She will earn her leeway as she moves up in age and shows more responsibility.

This has been an interesting uneventful week. Interesting because I have met interesting people. I am openminded and I am even more open to people and their randomness. The week on a whole was uneventful for me, but I still shared in my nutta butta's excitement. She had her work publilshed via her local newspaper in Philadelphia both in hard copy and online. Shout out to nutta butta again. She said this is her year and so it has been proven thru her hard work and persistance. Do ya thing lady!! Do the damn thing!!

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