Monday, February 4, 2008


Why is it the people closest to you tend to hurt you the most? It doesn't matter if it's your mother, father, sister, brother, cousin, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, sister, child or best friend. I listed them all because six out of the eleven people with these titles have hurt me in some type of way.

Is it because you care that the pain is somehow greater? Is it because we have certain expectations from these people that the pain seems to scrape you to the bones in your body like a rusty nail?

I've endured and overcome a lot. I have to pat myself on the back each day for the things and circumstances I have had to brush off my shoulders over the years. I thank my higher power each and every day for all that he has brought me through and it's because of him that I can't be moved.

I can be pained for a moment but I can't be moved. Pain makes you stronger if you see the lesson and over look what is attempting to move you from where you are trying to move forward. They are best known as distractions, the things that happen when you take a step forward to distract you from success. If you wallow in the pity then you will be moved. While wallowing you miss the lesson and you are distracted from your next steps forward.

The people closest to you the people you love are also the people that can tear down your will because you expect them to protect you, to support you and we expect to be able to turn to them in time of need.

I've always had the innate ability to not expect much from strangers. It's taken me a long time not to have that same ability when it concerns the people closest to me. I keep giving chances when there really shouldn't be any. I am taking away my expectations from those people closest to me as we speak. I've always been independent and somewhat of a loner. I think that works for me, I can't make something work that isn't working and I can't keep letting myself down giving hope and support to people that don't deserve that from me.

I am developing a bitter distaste for the actions of others. Today is just one of the days. I may not feel like this tomorrow but today is just one of those days.

close (klōs) Pronunciation Key
adj. clos·er, clos·est

1. Being near in space or time.
2. Being near in relationship: close relatives.
3. Bound by mutual interests, loyalties, or affections; intimate: close friends.
4. Having little or no space between elements or parts; tight and compact

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