When you hear that first voice or have that first feeling about something or someone you just know.
Once you have the feeling you then instinctively make a choice or express your options. There are consequences good or bad. What you do with the feeling or thought could change the course of circumstances and/or events.
Always follow your first thought or feeling it is a little more then intuition. Learn from it and let that guide you don't second guess yourself. Try it for a week and see what happens. Trust yourself!
Pronunciation: "in-t(y)u-'ish-&n
1. instinctive knowing (without the use of rational processes)
2. an impression that something might be the case; "he had an intuition that something had gone wrong"
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
The way you whisper in my ear
Those soothing words tickle me deep
Allure me into a realm of relaxation,
Anger, release, resentment or healing
Whatever you feel is in the music
The hard beat base pumpin
The softness or ardent tone in the voice
You either have it or you don't
If you have it the voice that is
then you will reach whom can be reached
Music is an art
of which you must understand
Music has a way of getting you out of where you shouldn't be
or into where you feel to be.
It will take you back
or have your ear in awe!
It is what it is!
Does what it does!
But it never fails you.
Go ahead pop one on see what you get and where you go!
mu·sic (myōō'zĭk) Pronunciation Key
The art of arranging sounds in time so as to produce a continuous, unified, and evocative composition, as through melody, harmony, rhythm, and timbre.
Vocal or instrumental sounds possessing a degree of melody, harmony, or rhythm.
A musical composition.
The written or printed score for such a composition.
Such scores considered as a group: We keep our music in a stack near the piano.
A musical accompaniment.
A particular category or kind of music.
An aesthetically pleasing or harmonious sound or combination of sounds: the music of the wind in the pines.
Those soothing words tickle me deep
Allure me into a realm of relaxation,
Anger, release, resentment or healing
Whatever you feel is in the music
The hard beat base pumpin
The softness or ardent tone in the voice
You either have it or you don't
If you have it the voice that is
then you will reach whom can be reached
Music is an art
of which you must understand
Music has a way of getting you out of where you shouldn't be
or into where you feel to be.
It will take you back
or have your ear in awe!
It is what it is!
Does what it does!
But it never fails you.
Go ahead pop one on see what you get and where you go!
mu·sic (myōō'zĭk) Pronunciation Key
The art of arranging sounds in time so as to produce a continuous, unified, and evocative composition, as through melody, harmony, rhythm, and timbre.
Vocal or instrumental sounds possessing a degree of melody, harmony, or rhythm.
A musical composition.
The written or printed score for such a composition.
Such scores considered as a group: We keep our music in a stack near the piano.
A musical accompaniment.
A particular category or kind of music.
An aesthetically pleasing or harmonious sound or combination of sounds: the music of the wind in the pines.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
I was distracted but I am back on me now.
dis·trac·tion [di-strak-shuhn]
–noun 1. the act of distracting.
2. the state of being distracted.
3. mental distress or derangement: That child will drive me to distraction.
4. that which distracts, divides the attention, or prevents concentration: The distractions of the city interfere with my studies.
5. that which amuses, entertains, or diverts; amusement; entertainment: Fishing is his major distraction.
6. division or disorder caused by dissension; tumult.
dis·trac·tion [di-strak-shuhn]
–noun 1. the act of distracting.
2. the state of being distracted.
3. mental distress or derangement: That child will drive me to distraction.
4. that which distracts, divides the attention, or prevents concentration: The distractions of the city interfere with my studies.
5. that which amuses, entertains, or diverts; amusement; entertainment: Fishing is his major distraction.
6. division or disorder caused by dissension; tumult.
Friday, February 8, 2008
What is it that relaxes you? Is it a good workout? A good book? Music? A hot bath? A captivating movie?
Monday started out kind of rough for me so I welcome the calm that is settling over my mind. I had to brush my shoulders off and get a grip.
At one time or another I have indulged in either one or all of these activities on any given day to reach that relaxation point. I hide out from almost everyone and I sleep because sleeping rejuvenates and jump starts your mind. It's fuel for the brain just as food is at certain times of the day.
Tonight is one of those nights that I need alone time in my space with self. I crave peace. Lately, I have noticed that my mind is working overtime. I have been having restless sleep or not sleeping at all. I made a promise to myself that I'm done with all that and tonight I am going to RELAX. I'm going to get a nice bottle of wine or something and clean up the clutter in my mind.
I'm getting an early start right now. I enjoy writing. Poetry is more my forte but I do like keeping a journal of my thoughts or whatver I feel. I'm listening to some soothing music while I type..lol.. I am at work but I'm in the zone.
I have three moives I have had for two weeks from Netflix, so catching up is ont he agenda tonight. I'm going to make sure that I meditate and add some flame to my creativity. When I wake up in the morning my thoughts will be fresh and free flowing. I can't wait.
I'm not going to worry, or think about anyone but myself. I will not allow any interruptions via the phone or any other distractions to interfere with my RELAXATION goal.
When the mind is cluttered and everything around you is cluttered or filled with some sort of drama your creativity is stumped or fueled. My creativity and thoughts are usually stumped because I let worry consume me. I'm learning how not let these distractions spoil my creative side of my brain. I am learning to let things I have no control over or let alone change ruin my inner workings.
What I can control is when I have had enough distraction and clutter. Tonight is the night. I'm going to engross myself in me, love me, appreciate me and nuture my mind body and soul. Tonight is relaxation night. So light the flame, turn down the lights, run the bath, on with some soothing music and aaaaaaaaaaaaah ooooooooo saaaaaaa. :)
re·lax (rĭ-lāks') Pronunciation Key
v. re·laxed, re·lax·ing, re·lax·es
v. tr.
To make lax or loose: relax one's grip.
To make less severe or strict: relax a curfew.
To reduce in intensity; slacken: relax one's efforts.
To relieve from tension or strain: The warm bath relaxed me.
Monday started out kind of rough for me so I welcome the calm that is settling over my mind. I had to brush my shoulders off and get a grip.
At one time or another I have indulged in either one or all of these activities on any given day to reach that relaxation point. I hide out from almost everyone and I sleep because sleeping rejuvenates and jump starts your mind. It's fuel for the brain just as food is at certain times of the day.
Tonight is one of those nights that I need alone time in my space with self. I crave peace. Lately, I have noticed that my mind is working overtime. I have been having restless sleep or not sleeping at all. I made a promise to myself that I'm done with all that and tonight I am going to RELAX. I'm going to get a nice bottle of wine or something and clean up the clutter in my mind.
I'm getting an early start right now. I enjoy writing. Poetry is more my forte but I do like keeping a journal of my thoughts or whatver I feel. I'm listening to some soothing music while I type..lol.. I am at work but I'm in the zone.
I have three moives I have had for two weeks from Netflix, so catching up is ont he agenda tonight. I'm going to make sure that I meditate and add some flame to my creativity. When I wake up in the morning my thoughts will be fresh and free flowing. I can't wait.
I'm not going to worry, or think about anyone but myself. I will not allow any interruptions via the phone or any other distractions to interfere with my RELAXATION goal.
When the mind is cluttered and everything around you is cluttered or filled with some sort of drama your creativity is stumped or fueled. My creativity and thoughts are usually stumped because I let worry consume me. I'm learning how not let these distractions spoil my creative side of my brain. I am learning to let things I have no control over or let alone change ruin my inner workings.
What I can control is when I have had enough distraction and clutter. Tonight is the night. I'm going to engross myself in me, love me, appreciate me and nuture my mind body and soul. Tonight is relaxation night. So light the flame, turn down the lights, run the bath, on with some soothing music and aaaaaaaaaaaaah ooooooooo saaaaaaa. :)
re·lax (rĭ-lāks') Pronunciation Key
v. re·laxed, re·lax·ing, re·lax·es
v. tr.
To make lax or loose: relax one's grip.
To make less severe or strict: relax a curfew.
To reduce in intensity; slacken: relax one's efforts.
To relieve from tension or strain: The warm bath relaxed me.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Why is it the people closest to you tend to hurt you the most? It doesn't matter if it's your mother, father, sister, brother, cousin, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, sister, child or best friend. I listed them all because six out of the eleven people with these titles have hurt me in some type of way.
Is it because you care that the pain is somehow greater? Is it because we have certain expectations from these people that the pain seems to scrape you to the bones in your body like a rusty nail?
I've endured and overcome a lot. I have to pat myself on the back each day for the things and circumstances I have had to brush off my shoulders over the years. I thank my higher power each and every day for all that he has brought me through and it's because of him that I can't be moved.
I can be pained for a moment but I can't be moved. Pain makes you stronger if you see the lesson and over look what is attempting to move you from where you are trying to move forward. They are best known as distractions, the things that happen when you take a step forward to distract you from success. If you wallow in the pity then you will be moved. While wallowing you miss the lesson and you are distracted from your next steps forward.
The people closest to you the people you love are also the people that can tear down your will because you expect them to protect you, to support you and we expect to be able to turn to them in time of need.
I've always had the innate ability to not expect much from strangers. It's taken me a long time not to have that same ability when it concerns the people closest to me. I keep giving chances when there really shouldn't be any. I am taking away my expectations from those people closest to me as we speak. I've always been independent and somewhat of a loner. I think that works for me, I can't make something work that isn't working and I can't keep letting myself down giving hope and support to people that don't deserve that from me.
I am developing a bitter distaste for the actions of others. Today is just one of the days. I may not feel like this tomorrow but today is just one of those days.
close (klōs) Pronunciation Key
adj. clos·er, clos·est
1. Being near in space or time.
2. Being near in relationship: close relatives.
3. Bound by mutual interests, loyalties, or affections; intimate: close friends.
4. Having little or no space between elements or parts; tight and compact
Is it because you care that the pain is somehow greater? Is it because we have certain expectations from these people that the pain seems to scrape you to the bones in your body like a rusty nail?
I've endured and overcome a lot. I have to pat myself on the back each day for the things and circumstances I have had to brush off my shoulders over the years. I thank my higher power each and every day for all that he has brought me through and it's because of him that I can't be moved.
I can be pained for a moment but I can't be moved. Pain makes you stronger if you see the lesson and over look what is attempting to move you from where you are trying to move forward. They are best known as distractions, the things that happen when you take a step forward to distract you from success. If you wallow in the pity then you will be moved. While wallowing you miss the lesson and you are distracted from your next steps forward.
The people closest to you the people you love are also the people that can tear down your will because you expect them to protect you, to support you and we expect to be able to turn to them in time of need.
I've always had the innate ability to not expect much from strangers. It's taken me a long time not to have that same ability when it concerns the people closest to me. I keep giving chances when there really shouldn't be any. I am taking away my expectations from those people closest to me as we speak. I've always been independent and somewhat of a loner. I think that works for me, I can't make something work that isn't working and I can't keep letting myself down giving hope and support to people that don't deserve that from me.
I am developing a bitter distaste for the actions of others. Today is just one of the days. I may not feel like this tomorrow but today is just one of those days.
close (klōs) Pronunciation Key
adj. clos·er, clos·est
1. Being near in space or time.
2. Being near in relationship: close relatives.
3. Bound by mutual interests, loyalties, or affections; intimate: close friends.
4. Having little or no space between elements or parts; tight and compact
Friday, February 1, 2008
Do you feel obligated to family, friends or work?
If a close family member or close friend needed help with moving or finances would you extend an offer to help?
Would you help out of obligation or would you help without thought of anything else but rather to help the individual? Would you limit or put
Or if we reverse the same instance and you were the one in need, would you consider there are conditions to the help you receive?
I'm just throwing things around, wondering and analyzing over the years how many times somene has hinted or asked for help of me and I asked? Why? I mean you do ask the important questions that are relevant to your time and money.
How much time do you need if it wasn't stated, how much do you want to borrow if it wasn't stated in the initial question and what date am I getting it back? Those are important questions....
Is it ok for you to ask how much can you help me with? Would that prompt an automatic how much do you have and need from me? Remember this is someone that is close to you. Money sometime hurts relationships it causes a divide between people if it isn't handled like business from beginning to end.
I don't mind being asked for help or assistance if you don't mind me giving you an honest answer that is fair to me and in my best interest not yours.
If there are conditions, pre-requisites, requirements they should be stated before the handshake. This is just me and how I roll.
It's also equally funny that because you have known someone for a long period of time they feel that you are obligated to be friends with them because you have history. I can put it like this, if I'm in a bad marriage, we are either going to work it out, notice I said we or we are going to divorce mutually agreed or not.
Either way something will come to a head. Now is it in turn your obligation to make it work because you signed the paper and said I do and confessed undying love forever? That's up to you the individual. You are going to do what's best for you , what your heart tells you to do or what's best for the kids or whatever.
What you might not do is extend hope when there is none. It is your obligation not to mislead anyone into otherwise thinking or holding on to hope.
1. the social force that binds you to the courses of action demanded by that force; "we must instill a sense of duty in our children"; "every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty"- John D.Rockefeller Jr [syn: duty]
2. the state of being obligated to do or pay something; "he is under an obligation to finish the job"
3. a personal relation in which one is indebted for a service or favor
4. a written promise to repay a debt
If a close family member or close friend needed help with moving or finances would you extend an offer to help?
Would you help out of obligation or would you help without thought of anything else but rather to help the individual? Would you limit or put
Or if we reverse the same instance and you were the one in need, would you consider there are conditions to the help you receive?
I'm just throwing things around, wondering and analyzing over the years how many times somene has hinted or asked for help of me and I asked? Why? I mean you do ask the important questions that are relevant to your time and money.
How much time do you need if it wasn't stated, how much do you want to borrow if it wasn't stated in the initial question and what date am I getting it back? Those are important questions....
Is it ok for you to ask how much can you help me with? Would that prompt an automatic how much do you have and need from me? Remember this is someone that is close to you. Money sometime hurts relationships it causes a divide between people if it isn't handled like business from beginning to end.
I don't mind being asked for help or assistance if you don't mind me giving you an honest answer that is fair to me and in my best interest not yours.
If there are conditions, pre-requisites, requirements they should be stated before the handshake. This is just me and how I roll.
It's also equally funny that because you have known someone for a long period of time they feel that you are obligated to be friends with them because you have history. I can put it like this, if I'm in a bad marriage, we are either going to work it out, notice I said we or we are going to divorce mutually agreed or not.
Either way something will come to a head. Now is it in turn your obligation to make it work because you signed the paper and said I do and confessed undying love forever? That's up to you the individual. You are going to do what's best for you , what your heart tells you to do or what's best for the kids or whatever.
What you might not do is extend hope when there is none. It is your obligation not to mislead anyone into otherwise thinking or holding on to hope.
1. the social force that binds you to the courses of action demanded by that force; "we must instill a sense of duty in our children"; "every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty"- John D.Rockefeller Jr [syn: duty]
2. the state of being obligated to do or pay something; "he is under an obligation to finish the job"
3. a personal relation in which one is indebted for a service or favor
4. a written promise to repay a debt
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